Quick Effective Back and Booty Strengthening Workout

It’s raining here in Seattle but that won’t deter me from a quick workout!

This is simple and effective, you will need a band and ankle weights (you can do without ankle weights as well)

  • Lay on stomach, keep your head neutral and lift, squeeze back and rotate hands (20-25) take your time

  • Superman’s (20-25)

  • Do your entire left side first and then your entire right side. No rest, just push through the burn.

    • Get on all fours-foot flexed, lift to ceiling, squeeze glutes. (20-25)

    • Fire hydrant (20-25) lift leg high to side

    • Fire hydrant with extended kick (20-25)

    • Cross over leg straight and lift

    • Extend opposite hand and leg out straight and then pull in to touch opposite elbow to opposite knee. Engage core.

  • Do other side!

Repeat entire set 3-4 times :)

Watch the video in my original post