Candace Oliver _ Web Design Elements (18).png

I am 37 years young, a wife to my amazing Bryan, mother of four and daughter of our King currently living in Bellevue, WA.

I was bullied for several years in grade school and it birthed an insecurity in me that searched for acceptance from people. I was fragile and searching for a place to be seen. 

I found validation in modeling for many years. The only problem with this is it put all my value on an “image”. It wasn’t until a collision with God’s grace as a single mom did I understand in the depths of my soul that the projected image will never bring worth. A healing journey began. As the “image” shattered, God began to put me back together in such a beautiful way.


I found purpose! I discovered who God created me to be and there is no looking back.

I love ALL things BEAUTY. I have a HUGE passion for family, wellness, fitness, faith, fashion and loving people. I believe one of my gifts is sharing everything I know…lol

I want to share all my #lifehacks with you that I believe will simplify and add value to your life.  I want to be your #virtualBFF since we may not live in the same area.

Let’s connect with our authentic self, no projected image, just RAW.