Mirror, Mirror, Who holds the mirror?


It really bothers me when people don’t give direct eye contact …especially when it’s my own children.

Kason and I are intentionally working on this. We were sitting down at the kitchen table, I was being a drill sergeant again (we’ll talk about that another day lol) barking orders. He wasn’t looking at me. With authority, I said, “KASON! Look at me in my eyes when I talk to you, or when anyone talks to you.”

His head came up from looking down at the floor and he stared in my eyes. He held eye contact longer than he had for quite some time.

“Mommy, it’s weird. I can see myself when I look at you."

I sat there stunned….he said "I can see myself when I look at you".WHOA. There was greater meaning in that statement than he even realized. (Crazy how our children speak to us when we listen) He walked off to play basketball and I sat there for a minute because I felt like I just went to church

"I can see myself when I look at you"- that touched my soul.

I wonder if when he looks at me, he sees how loved he is, how strong he is, how brave he is. I wonder if it was too much for him to receive? I wonder if he saw pain in my eyes because my heart hurts in this season. My heart hurts as I see him go back and forth between his dads house and mine. I struggle and try to be strong but  I wonder if he could feel my pain and struggle  and it reminded him of his own pain and struggle that he doesn't know how to articulate yet. I wonder if he didn't want to look at me because it causes him to look in a mirror. 

 We are reflections... mirrors.

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. Proverbs 27:19 MSG

Think for a moment about that.

We cannot give away what we don’t possess.

When we look at others, often times it is like looking in a mirror.What are you reflecting back whensomeone looks in your eyes? Is it LOVE? Is it strength? Have you released anger, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness or whatever may be taking up space in your heart that doesn't need to be there.

Make room for more love. 

Sister…this is about understanding how LOVED we are. Living life from that place will take you on the most beautiful journey. It is not a performance for anyone, rather a heart posture. It is who we are.

Loved by God. 

What is the story your eyes share? 

Who holds your mirror? Allow God to reflect to you how beautiful you are, and be a mirror of LOVE to reflect back to others. 

Grateful for each of you. Please reply back to me and share powerful "mirror" revelations or experiences you have had.