TRIGGERED: It's a Choice.

Wherever you land, I have to share this story with you because I believe this truth of CHOICE is LIBERATING, and I'm sure on some level you can all relate.

Read/skim until the end because you will find the power to face the "hard stuff."


I know I'm not the only one that can feel a little crazy sometimes.

Bryan said something the other morning that completely triggered me.

I was tired. Overwhelmed by the day (mind you, it was only 6:15 am lol). Honestly, I was kind of in a "mood".

I woke up a little "off"—and instead of allowing the Lord in, to lead and guide me, I decided to be in my "flesh". It was lazy, it felt easier I guess. That's when co-dependent Candace came out. Punishing Candace. My walls came up (to protect what? So irrational, Bry is on my team. He's for me!)

You know when someone asks, “What's wrong” and your response is in that high pitched “Nothing”?

When really you’re completely upset. I don’t remember exactly what it was (that's how silly it must've been) but I do remember shutting down and the immature silent treatment was in full effect.

6:30 am Beckham wakes up— Cue the happiest mom voice,

“Gooooood Morning Bubbaaaaa! My precious baby boo bear, come here, give mommy loves and kisses.”


How is it one minute, I’m the Wicked Witch of the West and the next minute I'm Dorothy loving on my angel-baby?


This word has been so deep in my spirit it is literally changing every little action. It is a total choice, total surrender.

You can choose to put walls up, you can choose to surrender.

This is the crazy thing, everything we do is a choice and it is on US! It is on me, it is on YOU!

I mean, talk about freedom. We actually have the power to open our hearts and let God in to be the master surgeon. We just have to be willing... This may scare some of you because it requires you to look in the mirror and take total ownership of where you are in your life.

We are where we are because of the decisions we’ve made.

I want to be very clear, there are some things that happen in life that are simply unexplainable and totally devastating. My intent is not to say, “Suck it up girl and move on.” This message of choice is said with compassion, empathy, and love.

I've made some hard choices.

Getting divorced. Being engaged and then breaking that off.

Bad business deals, saying yes to some of the wrong people and ending up in places a 20 something-year-old girl or anyone for that matter should NEVER be, doing drugs, massive debt.

I ended up in some of these places NOT because of anyone else. It was me. I ended up in these places because of my CHOICES.

CHOICES do NOT have to be negative…

I think we can have the wrong perception around that word. I'm in a healthy marriage, on the path to being in the best shape of my life, truly happy in the depth of my soul, pursuing the things I LOVE and am absolutely passionate about, growing intentionally. #choice


You can choose to start working out, choose to go to bed earlier, choose to get up earlier, choose to eat better foods…

Choose to quit smoking, choose to quit drinking, choose a different path, choose to stay in a relationship, choose to leave a relationship…

Choose to be present with your family, choose joy, choose to have a better attitude, choose to stop spending

Choose to surrender, choose to be happy, choose to be mad, choose what your days will look like.

Nurturers. Women are nurturers.

We often time will nurture pain which leaves us in the same place month after month, year after year.

We often times find ourselves stuck in the same cycle because, for one, it has become a habit, that thought process, believing a lie out of shame and thinking you have to suffer.

Or maybe you're scared.

Maybe this place has become so comfortable for you, even if it's not healthy (i.e. bad eating habits, unhealthy relationships, too much tv, too much alcohol, consistent negativity or complaining, unwillingness to trust, overspending, etc)

The choices you make become a habit. Choose well. It is in your power. Stop giving that away to circumstance, excuses or lies.

Rise up, mamas!

What are the hard choices you are facing today?

The good news is the power is in your hands!

My goal isn't to be insensitive if you are in an extremely hard place, I am reminding you that you have the power of choice. To let go and change is a choice, to remain the same is a choice.

So sisters. Rise UP! What hard choices to you need to make TODAY?

Do not let fear rule you, make the choice, FAITH is a choice too.


I believe in you and remember GOD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR BAD DECISIONS!

