Message To All My Moms Out There


I hope this adds value to you today.

These are things I am reminding myself of in this current transition to becoming a mom of four.

Regardless if you have one or ten children. This applies.

1. Have GRACE, GRACE, GRACE with yourself.

2. Put the judging stick down (towards self and others).

3. Stop trying to out-perform “that ideal, perfect mom” in your head. Your life is NOT performance-based.

4. R.E.S.T. (Release Every Single Thing) In the fullness of your life. – You don’t have to be “stressed” out or “chaotic” to be a good mom. You can be filled with peace and still be efficient. Your attitude is the thermometer of your home.

5. As women, we are nurturers by nature. Be careful what you nurture. Stop nurturing pain from 5 min ago, 5 days ago and 5 years ago... RELEASE IT! Detach it to be present.

6. Drop the guilt. It’s a lie. You are doing way better than you give yourself credit for.

7. Stop comparing yourself to other moms. Period.

8. Take time for YOU. Whether it’s a nap, a mani-pedi, a workout, journaling or reading. Whatever fills you up. Do it and enjoy every second of it.

9. See the JOY in parenting. Quit living for when the kids go to bed. It steals your joy when your mindset is escaping constantly from your life. You chose this and wouldn’t change it. It’s a gift.

10. Don’t close your spouse out because you’re exhausted. So is he! Remember your kids are visitors for 18 years... they will leave, but your spouse, he’s forever. So pour into that relationship, even if it’s just being nice:) He is on your side! Love you @boliver13!

11. PRAY. A lot. For your kids, for your family...etc.

12. God gave you these children or child... He will give you the Grace to parent the kids he has given you. What a privilege. You CAN do this.

13. Have FUN! Give yourself permission to laugh with your kids. You are more beautiful when you smile.

14. Your kids, looks, job, money, your home etc do not define you. That is not your identity. God defines you.

15. You are a SUPER WOMAN and your kids are blessed to call you “Mommy”.

“For by Grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God.” - Ephesians 2:8