“Upgrade to FIRST CLASS”


Bella filled out a sheet called “ALL ABOUT ME”. I was surprised to find out about a dream of hers. I was thinking she would write something like “singing on The Voice” or “leading worship” (she LOVES to sing), to my surprise, the ONE thing she dreams about is…drumroll please…TO FLY IN FIRST CLASS. LOL!

 I asked her about it, and she said she would LOVE to fly first class because they get yummy food, the seats are bigger, they can get on the plane first and it is an UPGRADE from coach.

 The word UPGRADE stood out to me. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have consistent access to the UPGRADE. In fact, we are invited into an UPGRADE season RIGHT NOW, not tomorrow or next month when “I get it together”, but RIGHT NOW. And not because we need to pay money or perform our way there with only limited seats, we are seated in heavenly places and have access to our Heavenly Father. He is a limitless God. (Eph 2:4-6)


Upgrade means to raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve by adding or replacing, it means to make improvements or exchange for a better version.


It refers to the process of becoming more like JESUS.


Ephesians 4:1 As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling.

 Paul is saying to walk in the “upgrade” that God has divinely called you to.

 Colossians 3:3 Your crucifixion with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God in Christ. And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory

 The UPGRADE is to not identify with your old life, sin or the world but to identify with Jesus. To PUT ON your new NATURE  and be “renewed as you know and become like your Creator”. (Colossians 3:10)

 Are you in need of an UPGRADE in any area in your life?

 Upgrade looks like letting go and receiving. Upgrade looks like forgiving that person and stepping into FREEDOM.

 Upgrade looks like letting go of self sabotaging habits and developing healthy spiritual disciplines.

 Upgrade looks like letting the resentment go, letting the judgement go, eliminating clutter mind, body soul and spirit.

 Upgrade looks like refiners fire (trials, tribulations, challenges) to burn out impurities. Upgrade looks like reframing the challenge in your life from “why me” to “what am I being refined in to develop in my character?”

 Upgrade looks like receiving HIS love and being seated in heavenly places, NOT viewing life through our past. It looks like truly Operating from a place of authority, NOT defeat.

In what area of your life do you need an “UPGRADE”? Spiritual disciplines? Relationally? Health? Vision/Dreams? Faith? Trust? Finances?

 There is a divine invitation for your UPGRADE today. Invite the Lord into the deepest places in your heart, the fears, the doubts, the worry, the anxious place…in EXCHANGE , he will upgrade you to PEACE, LOVE, and JOY.



God thank you for goodness, mercy and GRACE over my life. Lord I give you all the heavy things
I’m carrying today, any worry, dread, doubt, unforgiveness (_______fill in the blank) and in exchange I receive your LOVE, JOY and PEACE.  Thank you Father that you do the heavy lifting in my life. I trust you Lord. Thank you God for purifying my heart and giving me eyes to see and ears to hear. I let go of any complaint and express my deep gratitude for YOU and all you’ve given me. Thank you for today Lord, thank you that you are always with me, you will never leave me or forsake me and I can TRUST with my whole heart that your plans are good. Bless your holy name. Amen



Ephesians 2:4-6, Colossians 3:3, Galatians 5:16-22, Ephesians 4:20-24


-Holy Spirit, release me from tormenting thoughts or self blame and striving for acceptance. Cause me to see only Your acceptance and restoration. UPGRADE

 -I refuse to allow the enemy to cause me to seek revenge against those who have wronged me. I will not raise my hand against the Lords anointed or seek to avenge myself. I will leave justice to You. UPGRADE

- I no longer allow my past mistakes to limit the vision YOU HAVE for my life. I let go of the old and welcome the new. Isaiah 43:19 UPGRADE

 -Father, cause my heart to be as pure as David’s was pure. UPGRADE

 -I will sow the love of God so I reap the Love of God. UPGRADE

 -I operate as a daughter of a KING not an orphan. I will not construct carnal walls to safeguard my heart from hurt. I will live with an open heart and will not become imprisoned by my own walls of conditional expectations. UPGRADE

 -I will release the people who have hurt me and forgive them. I will overcome the offense of others by developing greater faith in the love of God. UPGRADE

 -The love of God is the key to my freedom from the baited trap of offense. I am determined to live with an abounding love, a love that continually grows and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. UPGRADE

 -I will LET GO, and LET GOD be Lord of my life. I release control, fear, worry and anxious thoughts and receive PEACE and GRACE. UPGRADE




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