My Fashion Must-Haves As A Busy Mom

Don’t fall for the lie of “you can’t be cute” if you are a mom.

ITS A LIE! You absolutely can be put together and current and fresh and HOT!

Its a choice. You may just need to shift your mindset and check your inner voice. (I.E. “Ugh, Im so haggard, Im so tired, I look terrible, whatever, at least my kids look good, I look fat in everything, I don't have time, etc.”)

Here are 7 must-have items to have in your closet this winter/fall so you can ROCK it!

FACT: When you feel confident and look great, you are a happier person. (I kind of just made that statistic up... but I know there’s truth there on some level. LOL)

1. Always have a hat, a beanie, a baseball hat—some sort of hat—to throw on when you don’t have time to do your hair or you can’t quite cover the under eye circles. Ha!

2. Long Over Sized Sweater. You can throw this on over your Lulu gear or any kind of sports gear and it always looks fresh. (Love Free People)

3.MUST MUST MUST have a great Adidas or Nike tennis shoe. Cute, up to date and screams comfort chic. I wear my Nikes with EVERYTHING! I love the comfortable workout look… but not old sweat pants, dated look. The fresh look. You know?

4. Ripped Jeans - need I say more? Ripped jeans make me happy. (Paige Denim are my favorites)

5. Army Pants. We are warrior women. We are an army marching for the greater good and raising our babies to be warriors too. You must have army pants or an army sweatshirt or something with army. (Topshop from Nordstrom)

6. Great Tan or Grey Pea Coat (dress it up or down) – Aritzia is one of my all time favorite stores

7. Some sort of simple button up, either denim or striped (I like Rails from Nordstrom)

What are your Busy Mom must-haves? I’d love to hear :) Leave a comment below!
