Love & Lessons

I remember seeing him at church. Ah! He was SO hot.

Don’t make eye contact Candace. Shoot. Too late. We were about to run into each other as everyone was leaving the “pews”.

Think quick. Why am I so nervous? I’m never nervous. He looks like a combination of Justin Timberlake and Jude Law. He looks so familiar. Don't stare.

I turned my head back and literally, no joke, pretended to talk to someone to ensure I didn’t have to talk to him. I talk to everyone. Why am I being so weird?


Thats how I met my husband. Churchome. Kirkland WA.

The day that changed the course of my life forever.


I believe it is so important to reminisce on the day you met your husband.

The hours you spent talking on the phone, the butterflies you got in your stomach when you saw the phone ringing, the “drop everything” for this man type of attitude.


It all happens so fast and pretty soon I’m going to bed looking like I’m homeless with zit cream on my face. I remember on my wedding night not even wanting to take all my makeup off so I would look hot when I woke up for him. Lol.

Make sure to take time to keep your priorities in alignment.

I found that marriage, if not met with intention can so easily be shoved down on the list of priorities. It is important to understand that YOUR KIDS ARE VISITORS. You will raise your babies and they will (hopefully) leave around 18 years of age to go FLY and pursue what God has for them!

Then what?

What happens if you don’t put any energy into growing with your husband?

You’re left with a stranger.

I am passionate about pouring into your marriage!

Date your spouse. NO MATTER WHAT. Model to your kids what a healthy relationship looks like and that you and your husband are on the same page. That you are unified and a TEAM.

  1. Go on a date with your husband and reminisce on how you met, what it felt like and what was going on in your minds.

  2. Have a standing date, whether it is every week, once a month or twice a month. Keep the commitment. No matter what. It can be a Starbucks date or walk, just go do something together.

  3. Take a few weekend get aways a year. Connect, laugh, have sex, talk about your dreams and goals individually, as a married couple and as a family. DREAM together.

  4. Make love, lots of it.

THANK YOU BRYAN OLIVER for loving me well.

For pouring into me like a queen, for providing for our family, for being a rock to all of us, for the JOY and leadership you bring to our home and most of all for being HOT. Jk. Kind of.

You are a dream.