Do you truly desire to change? →



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I will make this quick because I know you all have full lives but read/skim through until the end because I believe this is a reminder we ALL NEED!

I woke up the other day and was just annoyed. Does that ever happen to you too?

EVERYTHING  bugged me. All I could see in my house was clutter. (specifically my bathroom, closet and the kids rooms, oh and my office) Everywhere I turned I was just bothered. 

It hit me. I want CHANGE. I actually desire change.  It's safe to say, we are all in a season of transition or growing through something in life right now.

I began to look at the same pile of clothes that makes its way to my floor each week in which I spend energy cleaning up and then it becomes a mess again, only finding myself writing on my list of things to do..."hang up clothes on floor". This is very similar to the pile of papers on my desk and all the random piles of "stuff" in my car. 

I wanted to understand how long I've been this way. I started reflecting back and it has been since my high school years. DEALING WITH THE SAME EXACT THING. The same exact habit.

This is a "systems issue". It isn't about continuing to do the same thing and "organize stuff" hoping change will occur.

In order to get a different result I need to change my systems, starting by getting rid of things. Getting rid of things that I haven't worn, or things that are not used, papers that serve no purpose. THROW IT OUT! 

This whole mission started from a conversation with a good friend / business coach Nathanael Clanton (frontrunners blog). I was telling him how I wanted to incorporate several things into my week but my biggest obstacle was time.

(side note: what is your biggest obstacle that is holding you where you are right now? Do you desire change and can't quite pin point what it is that will be the catalyst to get you there? Check your systems. )

Naturally we began to look at where my time goes  and what I could eliminate to create some space. (what are your priorities? What can you eliminate to align your actions with your priorities?) So much of my energy goes to cleaning "piles of clothes" and the reason I like to clean is because my living space clears my mental space and allows creativity/productivity to flow. The problem with this busy work, although instantly gratifying is taking me  away from what my mission is. 

What if I could eliminate my cleaning time? Be ok with "stuff" not being in order? Clean my office so I finally love to go in there? This all boiled down to one thing for me.


This was both in the natural and in the spirit 

God is doing a NEW thing but cannot flow completely if we have so much old cluttered up.

I started to look within and realized "old resentment, bitterness, mindsets, habits, self focus..." had been hanging around, just like some old sweaters. Not being used, taking up space. They are familiar which is maybe why I've kept both around for so long.

The word "LIAR" is in the word familiar, so although I may find false comfort in the lie of familiarity...IT IS TIME TO CLEAR OUT familiar to make room for what I truly desire. 

Often times it is unknown territory that we truly want. That place of the unknown is scary because it is just that UNKNOWN. As humans we go back to what we know even if it is not serving us. This is exactly why we stay stuck. 

You cannot conquer what you will not confront. 

My message is this, do you desire change in any area? IF the answer is yes, look at the system (It could be as simple as going to bed earlier to get up earlier to do a 30 minute workout if the change you desire is to be in better shape)

What were your "New Years Resolutions?" This is our check in, our accountability for each other/ our MIRROR if you will. Re visit what you set out to do, what your mission/goal is, confront the system and start to make progress in that direction!!! I'm cheering for you!

There is  No more settling or making the "familiar pretty", time to ELIMINATE!


Ok Just one more thing. #sorrynotsorry!!! I had to share this with you. We now have our shoes organized in the garage (it used to be a pile of everyones shoes that we all tripped over and complained about) Today, Tadem said with refreshment, "Oh, it was so easy to find my basketball shoes this morning. That saved me like 10 minutes! I love that our garage is clean!" YES! We are saving time by getting rid of stuff we don't need and imparting organization to the kids! They will do EVERYTHING we DO, not SAY.