When Doubt Tries To Lie To You

I woke up EXHAUSTED to half carved pumpkins with seeds all over the floor, left over dishes from last nights dinner because I was just too tired, unfolded and folded laundry piled up in the living room floor and stacks of papers and bills that need to be paid, oh and my weights are outside getting poured on, don’t even get me started with “how behind I feel with work.”…

Immediately, the familiar thoughts started swirling...

(DISCLAIMER: not today devil, you messed with the wrong woman, watch me take these thoughts captive so fast and say Buh BYE)

"you’re so busy, distracted and not present, you cant even finish a project well with your kids, poor babies.”

 THE LIE: not a good enough mom.

“your kitchen is a mess”

THE LIE: not a good enough wife/housecleaner

unfolded laundry again in the family room

THE LIE: that’s why your kids struggle with putting their clothes away because you can’t even get laundry done, you are so disorganized, you need better systems but it will never happen, it would’ve happened by now...you never put stuff away, look at your weights getting ruined outside.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever struggled with similar “doubt” infused thoughts like this, but this is NOT what the voice of God sounds like.

I knew better because I know the voice of my Father and I wouldn’t partner with those lies this morning like I’ve done in the past and ruin my day. 

We do what we do because of who we think we are…(IDENTITY IS 🔑)

These thought “observations” this morning were not evidence I am a bad mom and wife, in fact I checked in and  prayed,  “GOD, WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THIS?”…

I wanted to share this process with you in case you’ve found yourself in a similar situation...how do you "take the thought captive" and choose to believe what God says when life feels "MESSY” or the voice of the enemy is all too familiar.

I asked Him and this is what He said:

“You are so generous with your kids and an incredible teacher that you would empower them to do pumpkins on their own and not care about the mess, they gained confidence and trust in themselves. I’m proud of you for letting go of control.”

“You made a  homemade healthy nutritious dinner late last night bc all 4 of your kids had activities and you didn’t get home until 7, of course you were tired. I’m proud of you for honoring your body and prioritizing rest over a perfectly clean kitchen. MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.”

“Laundry is laundry, just because there is a pile doesn’t mean YOU are a mess. You are an amazing mother. Im proud of you.”

“I have called you to create inspiring content, wipe off the weights and put them in the garage. Im beaming at your obedience. You are not disorganized, you have a full plate and I am giving you capacity.”

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE in the voices. I’m training myself to partner with Gods voice over the destructive, deceptive, shaming voice of the enemy. 

I cried and thanked the Lord for ministering to my doubting heart this morning. 

If you are struggling with tormenting thoughts, self doubt, anger, un forgiveness, or resentment today, I pray that the Lord would fill you afresh with the TRUTH.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and in progress. You are doing better than you think you are and just because there may be a "pile of laundry" (you fill in what your "laundry" is) that is not evidence that you are "bad". I pray that your actions would be evidence today of who you truly are. BLESSING EACH OF YOU with a FRESH fire of strength and a new found perspective aligned with heaven. 


Get used to being your own cheerleader. Get used to saying. Good job, you are doing your best, Im proud of you, way to show up, you go girl.

Get used to partnering with Gods voice over your life.