
Your destiny was created in eternity but your life is experienced in seasons.

Daniel 2:19-23

What does embrace your season even mean? Why do we always want to RUSH ahead...to the next thing or worse look back and say, I wish I would've ____(fill in the blank)

I think there is something to be said when people that have lived more life than you, say, "don't miss the special moments with your kids, with your husband, or all that cleaning and extra stuff you're doing, it doesn't matter."

I think it is the anticipation and the excitement for what the future holds. We just can't wait!

Bella is 4. FOUR YEARS OLD. She keeps telling me she can babysit Beckham because she is turning 9 this month. I'm like, "Bella, sweet girl, this is a precious season in your life! Enjoy it, learn in it, grow in it, you will be 9 soon enough." Just like school, she is in preschool, learning fundamentals that will carry her to kindergarten and so on and so forth.

How much more is our actual life like that? Each season is rich in lessons, rich in nutrition for what is coming next. If we rush past it, WE MISS IT. We miss what God is doing in the waiting.

Embracing our season allows us to ALIGN with heaven and trust what God is doing. It gives us permission to see what is happening all around us and increase our presence which breeds gratitude and growth.

Maybe you are in a birthing season, maybe you are in a creating season, maybe it's survival, maybe it's stillness, or hustle or building, maybe it's retirement or learning, maybe you are single or dating or née parents. Wherever you find yourself today, EMBRACE your season, know that the next one will come and get all the nutrients out of what is happening NOW, right NOW.


DO NOT MISS WHAT IS HAPPENING by living in the future. We are only promised today. I am ALL ABOUT #settinggoals but don't let that deter you from the PRESENT.

Your destiny was created in eternity but your life is experienced in seasons.

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. EMBRACE IT.

P.S. Bry, I love that we get to experience each season of life together. I CHOOSE YOU EVERY TIME.❤️
